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16 Classic Lit Books That Changed Me

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In the world of 20-second TikToks and nonstop Instagram reel scrolling, do you ever find yourself longing for something a little more solid? Do your mind and soul beg for something a bit more classy, sophisticated, and intellectually stimulating?

I know I’ve been there.

Don’t get me wrong, social has its place in this world. But sometimes it feels like that stale cheap taffy that gets thrown out at parades and I’m only eating it because it’s there. If you feel this way too, I’ve got a detoxing solution for you. It’s called classic literature. In this post, I’ll be sharing 16 classic literary books that deeply affected or changed me for the better. And so, if you’re looking to add some wisdom, enrichment, culture, and sophistication to your life, get ready to brush your teeth with some beautiful books!

Why Classic Literature?

Classic literature is an important piece of the bedrock of humanity. Is that too bold? I don’t think so.

Listen, I am a non-fiction LOVER and often give it preference in my quest for knowledge (mostly because I have serious FOMO), but I think we actually learn a lot more from classic literature as a whole. They are a treasure trove that really can’t be beaten, generally speaking.

Classic lit has allowed me to interpret my humanity, to relate to people living now and hundreds of years ago, and taught me universal themes of love, tragedy, grief, beauty, grace, sacrifice, and redemption, to name just a few.

Though not always happy, these books have enriched my life so much.

To get the most out of them, I would suggest using Sparknotes or googling the meaning of anything you don’t understand. When reading complex literature in my high school AP Lit class, my teacher would assign us reading, and then cover it in class and explain what was meant or even show us sections of an accompanying BBC movie. It made the experience that much richer.

16 Classic Lit Books That Changed Me

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

This 7-book series is my favorite of all time. It’s a beautiful and compelling story, but beyond that, it is rich in symbolism of sacrifice and redemption. It’s simple enough for a child to enjoy but so very profound. After reading these books, I literally find myself looking at life through the lens of Narnia. Which I think is quite beautiful.

A Tale of 2 Cities by Charles Dickens

I’m not usually a big crier when it comes to movies or books, but the ending of A Tale of 2 Cities is so beautiful that I wept at the end. While not a happy tale per se, it is gorgeous. It shows the transformation of a man from meh to hero and honestly, pulls you along for the ride and transfiguration. Deeply thought-provoking, and wildly inspiring.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Ah P&P. A total delight, the OG of chic flics. It’s even wittier and more clever than the movies and such a fun read. I love seeing what the dating scene was like forever ago and realizing that in a lot of ways, it wasn’t that much different than it is now.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Where to start? This one is not for the faint of heart. It will hurt you. But it will also teach you so much. It’s a snapshot of the injustices towards women and people of low social standing during the Victorian era and though it was written so long ago, it still shines a light on some of the injustices that still happen today. Few books have made me think so much.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

One of my best friends reads this book every summer. It’s a very compelling story and easier to get through than a lot of classic lit books.

It will take you back in time to the deep American South in the 1930s. It will teach you about racial injustice and although it was long ago, its social commentary still holds relevance today.

It’s also the story of a family standing up for what is right. It will warm your heart and wrench your gut and you’ll be glad you read it.

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

When I was 14, my Mom gave me a copy of Anne of Green Gables. I thought the picture of her on the cover was not very flattering. It’s funny though, as I read the book and fell in love with Anne, I literally changed my mind about the picture and decided it was adorable.

L.M. Montgomery is a fantastic storyteller, and this book will open your imagination and sense of wonder through Anne. It will keep you on your toes and take you back to simpler times. This book is in my top 5 all-time favorites.

Animal Farm & 1984 by George Orwell

I’m lumping these two together because they have a similar flavor and are by the same author. Reader beware, these are not happy stories, but boy are they relevant and profound.

Through brilliant storytelling, they illustrate the dangers and depression brought on by totalitarianism and communism. And although 1984 was published (ironically) in 1949, you will be absolutely shocked at how many elements in it you will relate to. 1984 is where the famous term “big brother” comes from.

These two books are definitely important reads to learn and apply lessons of the past, to have empathy and more understanding for those living under fascist or totalitarian governments, and to learn warning signs to look out for in our own government.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

This one is just straight-up wild. It’s a quick read and is allegorical. Just going to give you a heads-up, it will be quite shocking and alarming.

It shows how quickly a society can break down from order into chaos and relates a lot to our world today. While I don’t necessarily share the same pessimistic view of humanity that Golding does, I think we have seen “Lord of the Flies” scenarios played out many times in history and I think it teaches an important lesson.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Everyone should read this book. Everyone. It is the memoir of a Holocaust survivor who was practicing as a psychologist before being driven to a concentration camp.

Frankl’s story is painful, beautiful, and vital. It is full of life lessons that came at such a steep price. This book absolutely changed my life. It gives hope, meaning, purpose, and beauty to life. I wish I could do it justice in this little blurb. All I can say, is you will never regret reading it.

Up next on my classic lit reading list:

Well my friend, there you have it! Now you know the 16 classic lit books that have most enriched my life. What are your favorite classics?

Comment below and tell me!

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