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Chronic diseases are a bummer. Here’s what you can do to prevent them

Chronic diseases are a bummer. Here’s what you can do to prevent them

One of the number one killers and creators of pain, discomfort, and disruption for Americans is chronic disease.

I’m talking about heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, the works.

But the good news is that chronic diseases are mostly preventable!

Click to read and I’ll walk you through 3 key things you can do to gift yourself the best chance of avoiding chronic disease and enjoying a long and healthy life.

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9 Golden Ways to Support Your Immune System

9 Golden Ways to Support Your Immune System

Do your kids seem sick all the time? If so, have I got a treat for you! Checkout these 9 golden ways you can best support the immune system and help your kids stay well longer. This is a holistic, multi-faceted, evidence based approach that can definitely benefit you and yours.

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