How to Do Quick, Effective Workouts at Home or the Gym


Do you ever find yourself wanting to exercise, but feeling bored with the same old routine? Or maybe you are unsure of where to start. Or perhaps you want to move your body but are short on time and stressed with the thought of fitting one more thing into your life.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, let me introduce you to my little friend named circuit training. Who knows, you two might be a perfect match!

Interested? Stick around and I’ll show you what circuit training is, what the benefits are, and how to do it!

In circuit training you alternate exercises (often upper and lower body) so that you can recover with minimal rest in between. You are able to do more "work" in less time, and so it's usually more intense, quick paced, and you get more bang for your buck. ⠀

If your focus is on aerobic cardio, you will want to work for 1-5 minutes, and then rest as long as you worked. If you are doing higher intensity, work for 15-45 seconds and rest for about 2-3 times the amount that you worked.⠀

Your first step will be to choose exercises (usually 4-8 per circuit). You can do resistance exercises, cardio, or both. Then decide how many circuits you have time for. Be sure to fit in a 5-10 min warm up and cool down and then based on how much time you have you can determine the number of circuits to do (which go by fast). I highly recommend using a stopwatch. ⠀

Keep in mind that this is a super flexible model. You can adapt it to your fitness level and goals. Here's one example of a moderately difficult mostly aerobic circuit: ⠀
5 min foam rolling/stretching⠀
5 min moderate to easy pace on elliptical or light jog⠀
Circuit (work for 1 minute and actively rest for 1 minute - walk around, keep moving a bit) ⠀
- Push-ups⠀
- Wall sit⠀
- Bicep curl ⠀
- Squat ⠀
-Triceps Dip⠀
-Jump Rope⠀
Repeat Circuit⠀
⠀If you have more time, you can go into Circuit 2: ⠀
- Prone Plank⠀
- Lunge⠀
- Military Press⠀
- Glute bridge hold⠀
- Dumbbell Row ⠀
- Bike Blast (hop on the stationary bike and go hard)⠀
Cool down⠀
-5 min foam rolling/stretching⠀
-5 min elliptical/jog/walk⠀

Keep in mind that you are trying to do the exercises as fast as possible (except for exercises you hold, such as the plank) but with good form to avoid injury and maximize strength gains.⠀

As always, if you have pre-existing health conditions or are unsure if you should engage in these exercises, consult your doctor. ⠀


How to Start Weight Training