71 Resources to Help You Be Healthier, Happier, Wealthier, and More Motivated

how to be happier, healthier, wealthier, more motivated

Ashlee’s Real-Life Scenario: Can You Relate?

Picture this situation:

It’s been a looong day. You feel like you’ve accomplished very little despite being super tired. The kids are finally down and so you head over to the freezer for some cookie dough ice cream.

Ice cream in hand, you slump over to the couch. You turn on the TV and take your daily dose of Netflix while scrolling on your phone.

A couple episodes go by and you realize it’s your bedtime.

Meh, it’s been a long day and the sooner you go to bed, the sooner you have to get up and start the whole day over.

A couple more episodes later you start to feel the internal battle of deciding whether to go to bed (mega boring) or keep bingeing your show.

Another hour goes by and you realize it is now way past your bedtime and your fate as a Zombie tomorrow is sealed.

Guiltily you turn off the TV and hastily get ready for bed. You slide into your sheets with the stress of the impending day sitting on your chest.

You turn to social media for some solace, even though your body is begging for sleep. As you scroll, you wonder to yourself why every day feels so mundane.

You start to google things like, “ how to be happy” or, “how to be healthier” or, “how to take care of myself,” or, “how to be a good parent,” or, “how to find meaning.”

After skimming through some answers, you finally shut off your screen and roll over to go to sleep.

Okay maybe that was extremely specific, but have you been there?

I have! (In case it wasn’t totally obvious).

I get it, friend. You have a lot going on, and if you’re human, I’m guessing you have good days and bad days.

I bet you have things you want to do, but also challenges of varying sizes.

Perhaps you are dealing with a tragedy, or maybe the chronic persistence of an illness. Maybe you have small children who you love fiercely but who also need you constantly. Or teens who you would take a bullet for, but who are turning your hair gray.

Or maybe you have a job that drains your soul. Perhaps you feel the persistent need to get your finances in order, improve your health, or make your home a place of renewal.

And I’m guessing you probably find yourself using Google to help you along the way.

Well friends, first of all, I want to give you a big virtual hug. I’m betting you’re doing way better than you think you are. Even if you’re not, stop being so hard on yourself. You have a lot coming at you.

Second of all, I want to save you some time trying to piecemeal together a bunch of strategies from good ol’ Google while you’re down in the dumps at 1 am.

To help you out, I have rounded up a list of some of my favorite resources (and some that have been highly recommended to me) of books, websites, people, programs, etc. to help you be healthier, happier, and feel more whole.

Because you deserve good things. And you don’t have to journey alone. There is help out there to move you toward the place you want to be, whatever that means for you.

So without further ado, here are some of my very favorite resources to help you along this journey we call life.

Please keep in mind that in no way are any of these resources a substitute for professional advice. So don’t delay seeing a doctor, therapist or other professional where needed.

Resources to Improve Your Mental Health

Resources to Help You Be Wealthier

Resources to Help You Be More Motivated

Resources to Help You Be More Spiritually Connected

Resources for Intellectual Stimulation

Resources to Help You Find More Joy in the Daily Grind

Resources to Help You in Relationships



There you have it! All my favorite resources for a happier, healthier, wealthier life.

If you find this list helpful, consider bookmarking this page so you can easily come back to it for a virtual pat on the back of encouragement from yours truly and some resources to get you out of a slump.

Additionally, if you have any resources to suggest for ME (I am OBSESSED with recommendations), please comment below or email me! 🙏🏻

Looking for some tactical strategies to relax , rest, and recharge? Check out my FREE Rest & Recovery Checklist here!

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