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A Day in the Summertime Life of Ashlee & Kids
Lifestyle Ashlee Lifestyle Ashlee

A Day in the Summertime Life of Ashlee & Kids

I thought it would be fun to take you on a virtual ride with me through my summer schedule! I’ll walk you through daily life, show what’s working well, what I’m trying to optimize, and the lessons I’m learning about being a mama when school is out. So if you’re looking for some fun schedule ideas or ways to switch up your routine, this post is for you!

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Eating mindfully can change your life, and it’s actually super doable

Eating mindfully can change your life, and it’s actually super doable

As a part of my year-long healthy living project, I’ve been focusing on slowing down and eating mindfully and it has been a zen and transformative experience. In this article, I’ll help you get pumped about giving yourself the grace to slow down, as well as get actionable tactics to help you become a mindful eater.

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16 Classic Lit Books That Changed Me
Lifestyle Ashlee Lifestyle Ashlee

16 Classic Lit Books That Changed Me

Don’t get me wrong, social has its place in this world. But sometimes it feels like that stale cheap taffy that gets thrown out at parades and I’m only eating it because it’s there. If you feel this way too, I’ve got a detoxing solution for you. It’s called classic literature. In this post, I’ll be sharing 16 classic literary books that deeply affected or changed me for the better. And so, if you’re looking to add some wisdom, enrichment, culture, and sophistication to your life, get ready to brush your teeth with some beautiful books!

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How to create (and enjoy) a consistent exercise routine

How to create (and enjoy) a consistent exercise routine

Exercise holds so much power! It has the potential to unlock a happier, more energetic you. But I know it can also feel overwhelming, intimidating, and like a total drag. Stick with me and get a fresh batch of motivation to move your body (and gain more stamina and strength), get access to my personal workout routine, and get the tools to make exercise a part of your normal, everyday life.

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Chronic diseases are a bummer. Here’s what you can do to prevent them

Chronic diseases are a bummer. Here’s what you can do to prevent them

One of the number one killers and creators of pain, discomfort, and disruption for Americans is chronic disease.

I’m talking about heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, the works.

But the good news is that chronic diseases are mostly preventable!

Click to read and I’ll walk you through 3 key things you can do to gift yourself the best chance of avoiding chronic disease and enjoying a long and healthy life.

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Want to be healthier but don’t know where to start? Read this!

Want to be healthier but don’t know where to start? Read this!

Want to get healthier but don’t know where to begin? This is where to start. Learn how to assess where you are right now in your health journey. I’ll show you how to find your baseline and how to track your progress. By finding out where you are RIGHT NOW (even before making changes), it will be much easier for you to navigate to where you want to be and to stay motivated to implement healthy behaviors. Sound groovy?

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My Year-Long Healthy Living Project - Wanna Join the Fun?

My Year-Long Healthy Living Project - Wanna Join the Fun?

My health is calling, and it’s asking me to dial in and level up. And so, born from this nudge from my health as well as from Gretchen Rubin’s blue-covered Happiness Project and Cait Flander’s Year of Less, I’ve come up with a year-long project. My very own healthy living project. And if you too, feel that your health is calling, please join me on this journey to feeling better, having more energy, and living healthily.

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In Need of Some Motivation? Check Out This 30-Day Healthy Habits Checklist I Made for You!

In Need of Some Motivation? Check Out This 30-Day Healthy Habits Checklist I Made for You!

Check out this tool that can help make the healthy and positive behaviors you want to implement obvious, simple, and attractive. And if you’re a list person like me, you’re going to love it. This tool is called the 30-Day Healthy Habits Checklist, and it’s 100% free.

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9 Golden Ways to Support Your Immune System

9 Golden Ways to Support Your Immune System

Do your kids seem sick all the time? If so, have I got a treat for you! Checkout these 9 golden ways you can best support the immune system and help your kids stay well longer. This is a holistic, multi-faceted, evidence based approach that can definitely benefit you and yours.

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Baby Registry Essentials Checklist
Motherhood, Lifestyle Ashlee Motherhood, Lifestyle Ashlee

Baby Registry Essentials Checklist

This is the ultimate baby registry essentials checklist. It is the list I wish I would have had when I was first pregnant. I've broken everything down for you - all the essential baby items, the nice-to-have baby items, and the baby items you don't need. If you're putting together a baby registry or trying to find out what to buy a pregnant mama, this blog post is for you!

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4 Tips to Transform Your Bedroom Into a Sanctuary

4 Tips to Transform Your Bedroom Into a Sanctuary

I finally found a way to turn bedtime into a beautiful part of the day that I actually look forward to. How did I do it? I turned my bedroom into my own private haven. My very own little relaxing sanctuary. And I’m going to share 4 ways that you too can turn your bedroom into a blissful oasis from the stress and chaos of the daily grind.

Are you excited to create some comfort in your very own room? Then click here!

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